
I got into beekeeping inspired by my father, who has kept up to 30 colonies in a bee house for several decades, using so-called “Hinterbehandlungsbeuten” hives (Kuntzsch and DN formats for those interested).

I keep my bees naturally in horizontal top bar hives (KTBH) with Dr. Wyatt Mangum comb dimensions. I’ve tried a couple of different hives, but settled with top bar hives. This means foundationless comb drawing, no frames (just top bars), less to no treatments, more wax and non-centrifugal honey harvest.

My main guiding principle is to keep things as simple as possible and to let the bees do. They know best what to do. We can only learn from them. I tend to keep interventions (such as hive inspections) to a minimum.

Current operation

I’m a registered beekeeper in BC, Canada.

I started operating again in 2023.